You are not alone

"You are not alone on this journey. Your Heavenly Father knows you. Even when no one else hears you, He hears you. When you rejoice in righteousness, He rejoices with you. When you are beset with trial, He grieves with you...He sees you not as the world sees you; He sees who you really are. He looks on your heart. And He loves you, because you are His Him earnestly, and you will find Him" -Pres Uchtdorf

Tuesday, October 14, 2014 the blind leading the blind...we were now the experienced ones

Since I wrote you last a lot has happened like my district is now the "experienced" missionaries and the new missionaries always ask us the things we were asking a week ago but it is really like the blind leading the blind. It has been really awesome because last Monday and today we got to go to the temple and do a session and it was so awesome i feel like I have gotten something new from it every time. We have really learned a lot and what to do like gaining relationships with the investigator and how to adjust the lesson to meet the needs of them and even to just follow the spirit when we are teaching and if you get a prompting follow it always. Since Monday night Elder Walker and I have been teaching our TRC investigator Eric and it has been a really awesome experience to teach him and watch him progress. The first lesson we planned to get through the whole first lesson and we only got through the first two points of the Restoration but we really created a relationship with him and gained his trust and he started to open up more to us, it was so COOL. We also asked him to say the closing prayer in the first and second lesson and he would not do it but as we taught him we finally got him to pray with us in the third lesson and to read from the Book of Mormon (Moroni 10) and we could see the spirit touching him and he really started to listen to our message and to keep the commitments that we gave him and by the last lesson on Saturday he committed to be Baptized, which was AMAZING!!! He started out  not even willing to pray with us and he ended up reading the book of Mormon and committed to be baptized. For the most part the week has been the same as the last with a lot of learning and role plays except like I said we are the "experienced" Elders and we pretty much know everything about the MTC. Oh and I forgot yesterday they split up the block so we had Priesthood in the morning and sacrament in the afternoon. I guess I should start this story with last week the branch presidency told us that we needed to prepare a 3-5 min talk for sacrament and that 2 of us would be talking so as you can already guess I got picked and so I had to talk but it wasn't that bad because there was there was only about 20 people there and so i gave a 3 min talk on Recognizing the spirit it was not that bad because Elder Payne had to talk to and his talk was only 3 min too. Its crazy to think that I have been here 13 days and will be leaving in two days but we leave for the air port at 6:05 am so that does not sound really fun that we have to get up even earlier that we already have been. I am excited to go and also nervous to but it should be great but hopefully I wont freeze too much when I get up there but we checked what the weather is supposed to be like when we get up there and the high is 53 and the low is 50 and it is going to be raining so it should be pretty nice. Oh and another new thing I got to experience just earlier today was I got a haircut at the barbershop and it was really different because they asked how I wanted it and I had no idea what to say because I usually just go to Grandma Bette's and she just does it so hopefully I can figure that out but its not bad but not as good as Grandmas. Well I can not think of anything else that has happened this week that was interesting so Bye eh.

One thing that I forgot to tell you one thing that happened that was really Awesome. Elder Walker and I where teaching out "investigator" who is really our teacher Brother Metcalf but anyways we went to teach him about Baptism and scripture study but when we got there and started talking to him Elder Walker had an impression that we should teach him the Plan of Salvation so we did and it went great but luckily we had just taught the  Plan of Salvation to our TRC investigator the day before so we knew what to talk about and had a general idea of what to teach. It was just Awesome to see that sometimes the spirit will prompt you to do something completely diffrent of what you had planned to do and if you follow it the spirit will help you(D&C 84:85) it went great and it was something that he really needed to hear and it was awesome to see the spirit work in us and in him. Sorry I forgot that but when I remembered it I knew I needed to share it with you.

Love Elder Slack

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