You are not alone

"You are not alone on this journey. Your Heavenly Father knows you. Even when no one else hears you, He hears you. When you rejoice in righteousness, He rejoices with you. When you are beset with trial, He grieves with you...He sees you not as the world sees you; He sees who you really are. He looks on your heart. And He loves you, because you are His Him earnestly, and you will find Him" -Pres Uchtdorf

Monday, March 16, 2015

Be happy despite your is our choice whether we are mad or sad :)

      Well this week hasn't been too eventful except that we went and saw Carol, one of our investigators, in the hospital and she has not been doing very well but we did give her a Priesthood blessing and it seemed to help her a lot but she seems to not be getting much better and when we talked to her boyfriend Gary, another of our investigators, he said she is probably going to be in there for a while and he also told us that he has too much to do and is really stressed out right now so he asked if we could take a break for a while and he would call us when he felt like he was ready to meet again. That was really sad because he was our best investigator and he was really solid but it always seems to be when people are really progressing and working towards baptism is when Satan hits his hardest to stop them. Because he knows how important baptism is and how happy it will make people so he does everything in his power to stop us.
       Then On Friday we went on exchanges with the Zone Leaders Elder Mahabeer and Elder Camp and I went to mission with Elder Camp and we saw some crazy Miracles!! Our day was pretty much packed with appointments except in the morning so we went street contacting and at first it was like no one wanted to talk to us or even listen to us but after a while we met some really cool people and set up times for us to see them the next day. While we where walking back to the car to go to a lesson, a guy named Dominic, from behind us, yelled at us saying he had a question so we stopped and he asked us what the difference was between us and the JW's so we told him and we asked him if we could meet up with him later that day and he said yes so we went to our appointments and came back later that day to Tim Hortens where he said he would meet us and he wasn't there so we left and went looking for him and while we are walking around we run in to this guy who we ended up talking to for an hour, just about the bible and different things, and while we are talking to this guy Dominic ran buy us and told us that he got jumped while he was coming to Tim Hortens and to try to find him some other time and so we go on our way and go to dinner and after dinner we run into Dominic again like if was meant to be! We talked to him and set up a time to meet him the next day! It was really cool to see how if there are people who we are supposed to meet God makes it happen!!
       Another cool experience that me and Elder Johnson had was yesterday; all of our appointments fell through except our 8 o' clock appointment so we went tracting for a while and when we first left our apartment it was sprinkling and it wasn't too bad but by the time 6:30 rolled around it felt like we were walking through a hurricane and no one was talking to us or letting us in but that's ok because one of the things our Mission President put in his weekly email was about choosing to be happy and just always being happy no matter what your circumstances are because it is our choice if we get mad or sad. So that's what we did we just stayed happy and even though it wasn't the funnest thing to do it was a lot easier. A great example of this is Jesus. He never got mad once and He lived the hardest life anyone has or will ever live and it probably was not a breeze to be the Savior of all mankind but he chose to not let other things affect him and now he’s a glorified resurrected being living with God! That's a pretty sweet deal if you ask me. I feel that I forget that a lot, that if I just do what I know I should do I will receive the greatest blessing that God can give us - Eternal Life. This life is just a short moment and the pains and trials are even shorter so there is really no time to get mad or sad.
       This is less important and not relevant to anything but while we were at a members house they have a son who just got back from his mission in Paris France and I told him that I knew someone who is serving in that Mission and his name was Junior Toscano. He told me that he was his companion for the last three months of his mission! That's pretty sweet and crazy to think that someone I knew served with someone that’s in my area now.
       Well I do have to get going but I hope you all have a great Week and Choose to Be Happy!

Love Elder Slack

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