Well this week was
pretty awesome and pretty crazy. Last Monday Elder Lawlor and Elder Samis got
really sick and were just throwing up like crazy and so they spent half of the
week inside dying but one good thing about it was that Elder McCown and I got Elder
Tolman with us for 3 days, which was a blast!
Monday was
pretty crazy though because after p-day ended we spent almost 2 hours driving
around picking up stuff for Elder Lawlor and Elder Samis so that they had some
medicine and food to eat while they where at home. Then we went to Surrey
Central and just talked to people and that’s always interesting because there
are always crazy people at Surrey Central and they always tell us really weird
things. Like one Guy called me a racist because I was religious and how when I
die I am going to look at Jesus and the he is going to tell me that I was wrong
and that old man was right. Needless to say there are some really weird people
at Surrey Central.
Then Tuesday
was pretty crazy. In the morning we walked around and Elder Tolman, when he is
walking, waves at cars so Elder McCown and I started to do it too and we got a
lot of people to wave back and it was actually pretty fun and made finding people
a little different so it didn't feel like we were doing the same thing that we
always do. Then in the evening from 5 to 9 we has lessons with investigators
set up so we were literally running from appointment to appointment. It was so
crazy and we were so busy that we didn't even have time to eat dinner. It was
really good because we got to see Gus and he was doing really good and he hasn't
smoked in a week! Which is awesome because that was like the only thing keeping
him from being baptized so that was really cool to hear. Then we met a guy
named Rudy, he is from Haiti, and is trying to figure out which church he
should join. He is looking for the right Christian church. He is pretty cool
and we talked to him about the restoration and he really wants to find the truth.
Then we saw Sonny, who is East Indian and is really cool and he loves meeting
with us but he has had a lot of problems in the past with drugs and depression
and he just wants to over come all of that and follow Jesus Christ and then we
saw Janet and her son Scott. Scott is a recent convert and Janet is investigating
but Scott has autism and he always tells us stories of how he tried to ask a
bunch of girls out on dates and just random stuff and its so funny. His stories
are hilarious. We saw them last night too and he told us how he wanted to get
tattoos and piercings but he still believes in the church but doesn’t agree
with that part so we talked to him and convinced him to not get them and to
remember how ugly they would look when he got older.
Then on Wednesday
we found a really cool investigator named Dillon and he is 15. He is living in
a care home and he has gone through a lot in his life and he has a lot of
questions of why do bad things happen to good and innocent people. He has read
a lot of the bible and is super prepared and so solid. We got to see him twice
this week and he is really cool!
On Friday
Elder Kelly and I where reunited and got to go on an exchange! It was so fun to
be with Elder Kelly again even though we weren't in Kamloops. We went and
talked to a ton of people all day and had a few lessons too. It was just fun to
reminisce about Kamloops and what's happened over the last 6 months. I forgot
how well me and Elder Kelly got along because we basically spent the whole time
laughing when we were not sleeping or teaching.
Overall this week was great and a ton of Fun!
Elder Slack
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